Sunday, December 3, 2017

Christmas lights on

In Old town Radovljica and the concert of the group Kontrabant!
They play ethno, folk, country of the best! The old town was
full of people enjoying the music rhythms and hot vine :-)
Let the photos talk for the atmosphere!
I have the best chance to catch the almost full moon
with the Christmas tree and the lights on the place,
once per life, can say, priceless! Thx to Ana to point this on :-)
Pentax, 70-200, 2,8 from hand :-)

Full gallery ==>

Saturday, September 2, 2017

The project Navis, done by the group STIK was followed the goal to made reconstruction of the boat from 1st centurie! The 3rd Dugout canoe done in Ljubljana! After Lucian's and Stane one, this huge piece of wood touch the water! Kudos to all who was involved in work and organization! Wooden boat done by hand for 7 people is basically replica of the canoe from 1st century, founded in the Ljublanica river! Luc was found new friends and he was helping to bring the boat to the water! He get also the chance to row another full wood canoe done in the past from the same group!
More of Navis project
Gallery of the event


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Luc wooden Kayak

New project by Luc the wooden kayak done! Based on plans from 1952y, he made replica on today technology! The boat was survive first touch with the water successfully, Luc was happy and he made test rowing along the Sava river! Some tech facts, spruce wood construction, oiled, covered with Oprelon skin! Next step paddle are missing! Looking forward to see his construction on the paddles!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


After Bled Medieval Festival
Medieval festival in town
The whole day dancing, knights fights and open market!
Our team was contribute with Trebuchet and a lot of action!
Thanks to Luc, Ota to participate at the event!
Luc with woodworking at the best! Ota side support and water balloons :-)

Gallery here

Dugout canoe_ "Deblak" by Stane Klemenc

So far so good, my friend Stane Klemenc
made a four sitter from one piece of wood !
Long story short, the dugout canoe was
in the past well known boats at Bohinj lake!
Now after so many centuries the wooden canoe is again on the lake!
Congratulation Stane :-)

Photo gallery

TFW foiling week 2017

"Be there or not to be",
Meet Don Montagure my old friend, priceless!
Jetfoiler works well, presentation was cool, almost in
the dark! To be part of the Jetfoiler team, kudos!
Two days only with full soul and foils!
More photos in the G+ gallery

 See you next year at TFW Garda 2018

touch and go